20 Best Alternative Search Engine Apart From Google [2024]


You most likely Google everything on the internet. Maybe all this time you know Google as the only search engine. However, did you know that there are many alternatives besides Google?

According to a website, there are 25 search engines competing for global market share. Each of these search engines certainly exceeds the advantages and unique features of each.

In this article, we will review 20 of the search engines. However, before getting there, we will explain the importance of the reasons behind using a search engine other than Google.

Best Alternative Search Engine Apart From Google

That way, you can really understand and think about trying other search engines. Let’s just discuss it!

Why Use a Search Engine Other Than Google?

Google is the most used search engine in the world. More than 75 percent of internet information is obtained through Google.

Google’s dominance is what probably makes many people think of Google as the only search engine on the internet.

In fact, there are many listings for search engines other than Google. Each of these alternative search engines offers its own interesting features and advantages.

However, from the point of view of Google users themselves, there are interesting reasons why you should try a search engine other than Google.

First, Google collects user data. It’s no secret that Google often collects user data. In fact, you could say, all of Google’s operations are very dependent on this data collection.

This search engine giant collects any data about its users. Starting from personal data, search keywords, interest in certain issues, application usage, to the location wherever you go.

If you are someone who has concerns about privacy and data security issues, you need to seriously think about this reason.

Second, Google returns non-neutral search results. Google will display search results and content recommendations by adjusting the personal data previously collected.

That’s why search results between one person and another cannot be the same.

This is enough to explain why the ad for a product can appear continuously after you browse goods in an online store.

Third, Google doesn’t answer your question. It only displays content that might answer your question. That means you can’t really rely on Google for the exact answers you want.

Because in its own internal system, Google will only display content according to the applied optimization system.

SEO-optimized content will have the possibility to appear in the top search results.

Types of Search Engines

Before talking further about search engines other than Google, it’s a good idea to first explore the various search engines.

This needs to be done so that you understand that search engines do not always have the same system as Google.

By understanding the different search engines, you can also find out why a search engine has specific features and advantages. Especially when compared to other search engines.

In this section, we will discuss four types of search engines, namely crawlers, directories, hybrid, and meta.

First, the crawler. This type of search engine uses spiders, crawlers, or bots to read every page on the web.

After that, they will collect keywords and put information about the page into the directory. Information deemed most relevant will be displayed at the top of the list.

Some examples of crawler-based search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, Baidu, and DuckDuckGo.

Second, directories. This search engine works based on human labor. All content indexed into search engines must go through a series of processes and reviews from the editor.

In this way, directory-based search engines can guarantee relevant and quality indexed content.

Third, a hybrid or a combination of crawlers and directories. As the name suggests, this search engine combines the power of bots with humans.

The two work together to examine web pages and include them in the search results list.

Fourth, meta. This search engine works by collecting search results on several search engines at once.

This way you can find out variations in answers from one search engine to another. One example of a meta-based search engine is Dogpile.

Best 20 Search Engines Other Than Google [2024]

In the previous section, you understood the reasons behind using Google’s alternative search engine. In addition, you also understand the various search engines available on the internet.

Now it’s your turn to find out what search engines are available besides Google. In this section, we will review 20 search engines that can be your alternative to surfing the internet.

1. Bing

Bing is a Best Alternative Search Engine

Bing is the search engine with the largest market share after Google and Baidu. The thing that stands out from this search engine is the changing visual appearance.

When you visit the Bing homepage, you will be treated to high-resolution photos taken from various parts of the world. You can change this view by clicking the < or > sign at the bottom right.

Apart from the visual appearance, Bing is equipped with various interesting features. One of them is a place to store search result data.

From the search page, you can press the button with the plus symbol and the page you want to be saved in the My Saves section.

This feature certainly makes it easier for you to archive important pages. You also don’t need to use third-party applications or save URLs manually.

Bing is also connected to Microsoft Office Online. Through the same page, you can create various documents online.

Starting from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Sway, to OneDrive. You can simply log in with your Microsoft account to access and create the desired documents.

2. DuckDuckGo


DuckDuckGo is a search engine that respects your privacy. It does not collect any data that you provide to search engines. Whether it’s data about keywords to personal information.

DuckDuckGo also doesn’t keep track of your searches. Therefore it cannot sell data to advertisers.

At the same time, this search engine automatically disables ad tracking bots. This way, your personal data will remain safe.

Even so, that doesn’t mean DuckDuckGo’s search results are inaccurate. Instead of personal data and unrecorded keywords, DuckDuckGo collects search results from 100 different sources.

Starting from the crawler itself, crowd-sourced sites, Bing, Yandex, and others. That’s why search results from this one search engine remain reliable.

3. Search Encrypt

search encrypt

Similar to DuckDuckGo, Search Encrypt is a search engine that focuses on privacy and data security.

It combines Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with AES-256 encryption to protect your data. Both of them not only ensure data will not be stolen by hackers and bots, but are also safe from local users who connect to your computer.

On the other hand, Search Encrypt also offers secure video and map searches. For maps, Search Encrypt uses maps from Open Street Map which are collaborative projects that can be edited freely.

As for video searches, this search engine blocks ads while protecting your personal data and the search keywords you use.

Therefore, maybe the video search results you find will not be as complete as Google. Even so, the complete security features make Search Encrypt a browser worth trying out.

4. Qwant


This search engine is another alternative to protect the privacy and personal data on the internet.

Qwant promises to be a search engine that protects your personal data and displays search results as neutral as possible.

There is no content on the internet that is intentionally covered or not displayed by Qwant.

However, Qwant is not just about privacy and search results. This search engine is also equipped with various unique features.

One of them, you can search for content from various e-commerce websites and directories via Qwant. For that, just type “&” accompanied by the initial letter of the desired website.

For example, you can search for Kindle tablets on Amazon by typing “& a Kindle Fire 8” and clicking the Amazon option in the ajax that appears. Instantly you will be taken to the catalog page on Amazon.

Apart from that, Qwant also has two other search engine products. Both are Qwant Junior which is for children and Qwant Music specifically for searching for songs and music.

There is also a Qwant Board, which is a kind of social media for sharing and storing search result content.

5. Yahoo! Search

Yahoo! Search

Of course, you are familiar with Yahoo! Search. This search engine was famous in the 2000s.

However, it was then eroded by the presence of new search engines such as Google and Bing.

Now, Yahoo! partners with Microsoft and Bing to provide users with more comprehensive and relevant search results.

Because of this partnership, Yahoo also provides search access in 38 languages.

In addition to the search feature, Yahoo! also integrated with various credible information services.

One of them is Yahoo! Answers, where you can ask specific themed questions to be answered by internet users.

In addition, there is also Yahoo! Finance as a source of updated information about the economy and business.

6. Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha has the vision to make all kinds of knowledge accessible to the public. This vision is what makes him perform manual curation of various reputable websites.

Then, organize that information into an understandable index.

This search engine displays search results in the form of data and facts. All of them are displayed on one page.

At first, glance, how the search engine works is a little confusing. Because the search results that are displayed tend to be very concise.

However, if you have a specific question or are based on a certain background, Wolfram Alpha is the answer.

7. StartPage


Privacy security is important. Likewise with complete search results. That’s why StartPage exists.

This search engine successfully combines the security of personal data and search results that are relevant to yours.

How to? StartPage legally pays Google to use its search engine system. That way, StartPage manages to present the most complete search results on the internet.

However, it didn’t end there. StartPage also pays Google to eliminate trackers who collect your personal information.

As a result, no personal information is stolen and the search results displayed are neutral. An interesting innovation, right?

8. Yandex


Yandex is a Russian search engine. Since 1997, Yandex has been committed to helping consumers and businesses run the online and offline world better.

This vision is also demonstrated by various Yandex features and services.

As for the search engine itself, Yandex still collects personal data, search keywords, and user search history.

However, this was not done without cause. Yandex deliberately collects all of them to maximize the relevance of search results. Data is also collected through the consent of the user.

Besides that, Yandex also offers various features that are not inferior to Google. This search engine is equipped with search features for images, videos, maps, translation, and AppMetrica which is equivalent to Google Analytics.

Judging from the full range of features offered, Yandex can be an option for those of you who really want to leave Google services.

9. Dogpile


Dogpile 1

Dogpile is one of the oldest meta-based search engines. This browser collects search results from various search engines. Some of these include Google, Yahoo !, Yandex, and many other search engines.

That way, you can save time by getting all possible search results in one search engine. Try to compare it by entering keywords one by one in various search engines.

Moreover, Dogpile claims that its search engine can display 50 percent more search results than other browsers.

In addition to its performance, you can make Dogpile an alternative to Google because of its display and suggestion features.

In appearance, Dogpile has visuals that are quite vintage and old. This is what might distinguish this browser from the others.

In addition, the suggestion features available on the right sidebar are also quite complete and varied.

10. Gibiru


Gibiru is a browser that pays attention to privacy aspects as well as content censorship issues.

That’s why the Gibiru is the right alternative machine if you have attention to these two issues.

In the area of ​​privacy, Gibiru admits that it does not store passwords, search history, and IPs from users. That way, Gibiru will not sell your personal data to third parties.

However, it is not enough to stop there. Gibiru also has an interest in content censorship.

These browsers assume that search engines are generally covering up some non-compliant content.

This makes it harder for new websites to get readers. That’s why Gibiru provides two options in the search results, namely All Results and Uncensored.

If you want search results only on the web and images, Gibiru should be the right alternative.

Because, with the features above, Gibiru only provides two types of content options to search.

Content types such as location, videos, and products are not yet available in this browser.

11. Internet Archive

Internet Archive

It’s a little difficult to say the Internet Archive is a search engine. However, if you refer to the various search engines that have been mentioned previously, the Internet Archive can be classified as directories or search engines curated by humans.

This “browser” can work as a library or museum that stores books, films, software, music, and websites.

All of which you can access for free from anywhere and anytime. Through the Internet Archive, you can find a variety of valuable material that may not even appear in Google search results.

12. Wiki.com


Are you a fan of Wikipedia or similar websites? If so, Wiki.com is the right search engine for you!

Wiki.com is a search engine dedicated to web or web content in the form of a wiki or knowledge base. Through this browser, you can get complete information about certain topics.

This method is certainly more effective than finding a piece of information on one website and completing another piece on a different website.

This search engine is equipped with four search options to choose from. The four options are all wikis, Wikipedia only, people’s wikis only, and encyclopedias only.

Apart from that, Wiki.com also has a search option on wikis that you compiled yourself.

This option is near the bottom of the page. Through these options, you can maximize the search results you want.

Even more interesting, you can add a wiki page or website wiki that you have into the Wiki.com database.

For that, all you have to do is contact Wiki.com and the developer will immediately enter it in the database.

Of course, provided that the website you create has sufficient content and does not have the potential for spam.

13. CC Search

CC Search

CC Search is a solution for getting a variety of image content with a free license. Through this one search engine, you can get good pictures.

You can use these images as material or complement illustrations in your various works. Starting from websites, presentations, posters, and so on.

You don’t need to worry that the image-maker demands that his work is painted. All images appearing on CC Search are certified to comply with the Creative Commons licensing system. This means that all images are entitled to be widely used by the public.

For the time being, CC Search only provides visual content in the form of images. Image search results on CC Search were obtained from 18 database websites.

Some of them are DevianArt, Flickr, SVGSilh, and the Brooklyn Museum. In the future, CC Search will add text and audio search features.

14. Baidu


Baidu is a search engine with the second largest market share after Google. This Chinese search engine is also very popular in China.

In fact, Baidu controls more than half of the market share in the bamboo curtain country.

Baidu offers a variety of features similar to Google. Apart from web-based content search, Baidu is also known as a search engine with powerful MP3 content search capabilities.

Apart from keyword searches, Baidu is also known for a variety of other search options.

Like Google, Baidu is also equipped with a voice search feature. With this feature, you can more easily find entries in search engines.

Not to forget, Baidu also has an image-based search option. You can upload a snippet into the available column, then Baidu will immediately show you content that may be related to the uploaded image.

15. Slideshare


You may never have thought of Slideshare as a search engine. However, that’s how it is.

This search engine created by LinkedIn is a solution for 80 million professionals who are looking for inspiration, material, and knowledge on various topics.

All of them are packaged in the form of attractive presentations, images, videos, documents, and visual content.

Slideshare does have the vision to help anyone learn quickly with visual material on their website. It is recorded that there is at least 18 million content covering 40 field categories.

Through Slideshare, you are free to save content that you think is useful. In fact, you can even download the content you want and save it on your personal computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

16. Twitter


Twitter probably didn’t even think about it as a search engine either. However, in times of emergency, Twitter is a much more effective channel of information than most search engines.

This is reflected in the Twitter tagline, “See what’s happening in the world right now” or “See what’s happening in the world today.” With Twitter, you won’t be left behind on hot topics that are being discussed.

The way it works is quite easy. All you have to do is enter certain keywords or hashtags in the search field.

Then you will be shown a variety of possible search results. Starting from the most popular tweets, the latest tweets, related Twitter accounts, pictures, videos, news, and broadcasts.

If you are not satisfied with the results, Twitter also provides more comprehensive search options.

You can set filters to find specific tweets that you are looking for. You can add filters for accounts that are searched for, location, time, language, time range, and so on.

17. Swisscows


Swisscows is an alternative search engine committed to the security of privacy and use of personal data.

Like similar search engines, Swisscows does not store personal data and search history of users.

However, Swisscows’ commitment does not end there. This search engine also has its own server to ensure data security.

Swisscows also locates its data center in the Alps, Switzerland. This area is considered to be one of the safest bunkers in the world.

In fact, this search engine also puts up everything about data outside of the United States and the European Union. This is done to ensure data security.

Besides its commitment to data security, Swisscows is also dedicated to family friendly content.

These search engines censor violent and hateful content, as well as pornography. In exchange, it promotes moral values ​​and digital media education.

For its own features, there are two interesting things that Swisscows has to offer. First, the regional search option.

Through this one option, you can maximize the relevance of search results according to your location. Second, a title-like map.

This feature provides filter options according to the proximity of keywords to a larger theme. Filters are displayed in boxes of various sizes and in red or blue.

18. Ecosia


Security of privacy and personal data is just one advantage of Ecosia. However, the main attraction of this search engine is its commitment to saving the environment.

Ecosia plants one tree for every (approximately) 45 searches it makes.

It’s not just a matter of planting trees in areas where it’s needed. Ecosia is also committed to running its operations with a carbon footprint ─ the gas emitted as a result of energy consumption from petroleum or fossil fuels ─ to a minimum. For that, Ecosia built a special solar panel to run its 24-hour server.

To ensure that all operations run fairly, Ecosia is also diligent in releasing financial reports and reports on tree planting in several countries.

All of them are available in the form of monthly reports and can be accessed by the public.

That way, you don’t have to worry about accusations of scams and fraud that are often addressed to Ecosia.

19. Boardreader


Boardreader is a unique search engine. Different from search engines in general, Boardreader is dedicated to searching for groups or forums on the internet.

So, if you are looking for a dynamic place to discuss and get information, Boardreader is the answer.

You just enter the keyword. Then Boardreaders will recommend related forums on platforms such as Yahoo! Answers and Reddit. You can also add filters for the keywords you are looking for.

There are filters on the type of post, the time the forum was published, the language in the forum, domain, relevance, and the number of search results you want to display.

Not only that. Boardreader also has an analytics feature available beside the filter button. This feature analyzes trends and search volume for the keywords you are looking for.

20. Ask.com


Ask.com was originally a question and answer platform created in 1996. Now, it has grown to become a search engine with the sixth-largest market share in the world.

Ask works like any other search engine. You can enter the keywords you are looking for in the search field.

So immediately, Ask.com will bring up the most relevant content according to keywords.

There are two types of search results that can be selected, namely answers or content on the web and videos.

This search engine also has plug-ins that you can add to your browser. Through this additional software, you can get a variety of interesting content directly on your desktop. Of course, the content displayed will adjust to the topics that interest you.

Which Search Engine Is Right For You?

The answers to the above questions get back to you. What are you looking for in a search engine? Is it because of its complete features?

Is it because of privacy security and censorship-free content? Or is it because of its unique features and social vision?

We are aware that everyone prioritizes different features according to their needs.

Therefore, we categorized the 20 browsers above into several categories. That way, you can more easily choose which search engine is right for you.

  • Google equivalent features ─ Bing, Yahoo! Search, Baidu, Yandex, Dogpile.
  • Privacy ─ DuckDuckGo, Search Encrypt, Qwant.
  • Censorship-free content ─ StartPage, Gibiru, Twitter.
  • Knowledge base and information center ─ WolframAlpha, Wiki.com, Internet Archive, CC Search, Slideshare, Boardreader.
  • Unique features ─ Ecosia, Swisscows, Ask.com.

Now, have you found a whiz search engine now? Of course, you don’t need to be sure to choose one of the many recommendations above.

You can use several of them as needed. That way, you can maximize your internet search experience.

If you have questions about the internet and digital marketing, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

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Somaya Khatun
The Founder & Admin of TechMaina.Com, Who Likes To Write On Any Topic Related To Computer Query, Such As PC Hardware Problem, PC BIOS Problem and I have also best Knowledge in Android, SEO, and Much More.


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