Free Windows 7 Product Key for All Editions [32/64 Bit]


In this article, we present the details of how to activate windows 7 and also share the windows 7 product key for any Windows 7 version.

Today Windows 7 is still the most popular version of Microsoft’s operating systems, there are many reasons why a large majority of users prefer to use it over other more recent ones.

Free Windows 7 Product Key for All Editions [3264 Bit]

Key for Windows 7 Pro and Other Versions

Even in 2021, the number of users who use the Windows 7 operating system on their computers is very large, even though Microsoft company has already developed several versions of Windows 10.

There are those who prefer one of many versions of Windows 7, Whether due to its functions, special features, stable operation and ease of managing resources, compatibility with almost all programs, and many more, it is still a valid option today.

When you have this operating system, you have a version that almost never presents problems in its operation, or in its updates, for this reason.

It can be said that the versions of Windows 7 are the ones that offer the best performance, considering that it should always be taken into account consider the characteristics of the equipment in which it is used.

One of the weak points, so to speak, has to do with how to get a key for Windows 7 pro or any version to carry out the activation of the system, and that is that most people cannot buy or access one original license.

So the system shows them a constant message that reminds them that they should activate Windows 7 immediately, and even in some cases, access to the session may be lost due to lack of activation.

Key for Windows 7 Pro and Other Versions

This activation is carried out in a simple way since it is possible to obtain a product key for Windows 7 pro and any other edition through different means and forms that from here we are going to present to you.

Enter the Password for Windows 7 Pro at Installation

As we have just mentioned, currently there are several ways through which users can activate their Windows 7 operating system.

It is only necessary to carry out the following steps to achieve having your operating system fully updated, with all its functions active and without any problem.

An easy method is to activate when installing the operating system on a computer. In this case, almost at the end of the installation process.

The wizard will ask you to enter a 25-character serial number, which must be placed there to continue with the installation process.

Activation keys for installation can be found easily on the internet. This key must be specific and go according to the edition of Windows 7 that is being installed.

Basically, for this, you must know if you are going to find the key for 32 bits or the key to activate Windows 7 for 64 bits.

Some of the keys that will help you activate Windows 7 from its installation are the following:

Windows 7 Activation Keys for 32-Bit

Windows 7 EditionActivation Keys
Windows 7 Starter9JBBV-7Q7P7-CTDB7-KYBKG-X8HHC
Windows 7 Home Basic6JKV2-QPB8H-RQ893-FW7TM-PBJ73
Windows 7 Home Premium6JQ32-Y9CGY-3Y986-HDQKT-BPFPG
Windows 7 ProD63NM-7QWZJ-P5CQ3-8SFKN-2U9DH
Windows 7 UltimateJSEC7-Q79QR-3HBT3-72DPR-NU3HQ
Windows 7 Professional24437-XVJQQ-F36R3-7HM2B-RXTCX

Windows 7 Product Key 64-Bit

Windows 7 EditionProduct Key
Windows 7 StarterACWPP-4UAMH-35U7N-FFWYK-BJRYK
Windows 7 Home BasicBNKH7-7E6P8-GQHVU-MPFWK-UJJ5T
Windows 7 ProNY6Z5-ZK9RM-37Z24-RDF3G-272J3
Windows 7 EnterpriseD9RHV-JG8XC-C77H2-3YF6D-RYRJ9
Windows 7 Ultimate7XRCQ-RPY28-YY9P8-R6HD8-84GH3
Windows 7 Professional2KH22-2H9QT-YG6WX-8X6Q8-Y89K4

Windows 7 Ultimate/Professional Serial Key (OEM)

  • Lenovo – 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM
  • Dell – 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27

On the other hand, if you install the Windows 7 operating system on your computer and skip the activation step, you can do it as follows:

  1. From the desktop go to the start menu and in the search bar type run and press Enter.
  2. A window will open in which you must write “CMD”, you will get the system symbols application which you must open with the option of “Run as administrator”.
  3. When the sale opens you must write the following command “slmgr.vbs – ipk ***** *****”. In this case, the asterisks must be replaced by one of the activation keys from the list that we show you before.
  4. After this, you must enter another command “slmgr.vbs-ato” which is used to activate the operating system.

Enter the Password for Windows 7 Pro at Installation

Once this is done, your operating system will be active and you will be able to use it normally without any warning appearing when you start the session.

Get Also:

Activate Windows 7 Without Using any Kind of Programs

Although in the previous method we explained how to enter a key for Windows 7 Pro during its installation and thus activate it.

The truth is that the moment in which the system is activated does not matter, either before or after its installation, the system will be fully operational if its activation works.

The most important point for this process is that you have 30 days to carry out the activation of your Windows 7 after you install it.

If you do not do so, notices will begin to appear asking you to activate the system and even some features can be disabled little by little.

So that this does not happen to you, we explain another method to activate Windows 7

  1. Head to the Start button menu and from there go to Control Panel.
  2. Now click on System and Security, the first section.
  3. Then choose System.
  4. You will see an option that says See basic information about the computer, there you must click on Change the product key just below Windows Activation.
  5. Now a screen will appear in which you must enter a 25-character password or serial number.

Once you complete these steps, your Windows 7 should have been active, to finish we recommend that you restart your computer to complete the process.

How To Find Out if the Version of Windows 7 is Active

If you do not know if the Windows 7 you use is activated or not, you may not know by following a series of steps below:

  1. When entering your computer you must do so from an account that has administrator permissions.
  2. Open the Start menu and in the search bar, you must type “cmd.exe” and hit the Enter key.
  3. When the CMD executable appears, open it with the option to “run as administrator”
  4. A black window will open in which you must type the command “slmgr.vbs -xpr” and hit Enter.
  5. After a few seconds, you will see that a window is displayed on the screen that reflects all the information about the version of the operating system that is installed and is activated or not.

At the same time you can use the fastest method for checking:

To do this, open the Start button menu and from there open the Control Panel, then go to System and security>

Then to System, and at the bottom, you will get a message that tells you that Windows is activated.

How To Find Out if the Version of Windows 7 is Active

Advantages of Activating Windows 7 from CMD

Activating the operating system with commands via the CMD Advantage has its advantages. Between them:

  • The operating system can be activated and validated without having to resort to downloading and installing third-party programs or software that could damage our equipment.
  • It is a method that works for any version of Windows regardless of the language.
  • It is a simple and fast procedure, which does not consume any resources that could make our computer work slower.
  • It is not necessary to deactivate the antivirus at any time, unlike if it must be done with other methods.
  • You should not download anything from the internet, or opt for pirated elements that when unzipped can spread a virus to your computer.
  • The activation that takes place is for life.
  • You can use the Windows Update service without problems, this does not restrict it at all.
  • It will be possible to upgrade the system to Windows 10 without any problem.

Risks of Obtaining the Windows 7 Using Pirated Licenses

As is well known, searching the internet there are many web pages from where you can obtain information to learn how to activate Windows 7 for free, and although most are very helpful, the truth is that many involve taking risks on incense burners.

Although the risks are not very delicate, using activators and pirated programs in more recent versions of this operating system can be a cause for concern.

Also bear in mind that if a password or an incorrect program is used, it can affect the functioning of your equipment and even affect the protection of your elements.

This can be especially harmful if you work or store personal or company data on the computer where you use these methods.

In this case, the best thing to do to get a complete operating system is to obtain an original license legally, that is, paying for it, the same applies to Microsoft Office 2016.

By doing it this way, you will be able to access all the functions of the Windows 7 operating system.

But you can also receive direct technical support from the company (previously), give a rating to the system developers.

Recommendations for them to continue innovating and improving Windows features for future new releases.

Risks of Obtaining the Windows 7 Using Pirated Licenses

Windows 7 Versions

Finally, we want to remember that these activation methods, regardless of whether they may pose certain risks or not, are compatible with any of the versions of Windows 7 that were released.

All the forms of activation, from its installation, after its installation, with or without programs or doing it from the system symbols window, applies to all editions, from the most basic to the most complex:

  • For Windows 7 Starter: Ideal version to be installed on low-resource computers
  • Windows 7 Home Basic: This is a more advanced version but not the most complete, ideal for simple computers. Very useful for running light programs.
  • For Home Premium edition: for midrange computers and the most currently used. Ideal to be used in domestic equipment.
  • For Windows 7 Professional: version dedicated to small businesses and professionals, as it offers many special functions with linking to Internet domains. Supports heavier programs
  • Windows 7 Ultimate: A more advanced version that works for almost anyone, offers better security features and account management settings similar to the Enterprise version.
  • Windows 7 Enterprise: Version specially dedicated to large companies, as it offers specific features for the types of tasks they carry out.

Remember that almost all of these editions are similar, they only differ in some characteristics and functions.

In addition to the fact that each one was designed for equipment with certain characteristics in its components. The following content may be helpful:


So far in our article, keep in mind that you can use any of these methods or a key to activate Windows 7 Pro at any time you need it.

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Somaya Khatun
The Founder & Admin of TechMaina.Com, Who Likes To Write On Any Topic Related To Computer Query, Such As PC Hardware Problem, PC BIOS Problem and I have also best Knowledge in Android, SEO, and Much More.


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