How To Fix: Xinput1_3.dll is Missing Error On Windows [2025]


How to solve the error “The program can’t start because xinput1_3.dll is missing from your computer” or “xinput1_3.dll was not found” in Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10?

This error usually occurs when playing games such as Pro Evolution Soccer or PES 2017, PES 2018, PES 2019, PES 2020, etc.

And it does not rule out the possibility of this happening to other game consoles such as GTA V or Call Of Duty.

How To Fix Xinput1_3.dll is Missing Error On Windows

There Are Several Error Messages That Often Occur As Follows:

  • The program can’t start because xinput1_3.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
  • There was a problem starting xinput1_3.dll. The specified module could not be found.
  • Error loading xinput1_3.dll. The specified module could not be found.
  • The code execution cannot proceed because xinput1_3.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
  • Xinput1_3.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.

Causes of Xinput1_3.dll is Missing or Was Not Found on Computer:

  • There is a “glitch” that occurs on your PC / computer.
  • You haven’t installed or updated the DirectX version on your computer.
  • Program / Application problems (usually due to “corrupt” during the installation or the download process is running).
  • Graphics card driver does not support games/applications to run.
  • System32 cannot read the xinput1_3.dll file.
  • Windows version does not support games/applications to run.

After knowing some of the causes above, it would be a good idea to double-check which points you have not fulfilled or if they are the main cause.

If so, please pay attention to how to fix it below.

[Fixed] The Program Can’t Start Because Xinput1_3.dll is Missing/Was Not Found Error

1. Restart The Computer

How come you have to restart it anyway? Even though this may seem trivial to you, you may not know that sometimes computers experience such “glitches”.

This happens because there are several main components of the system that are not working properly so that they have an impact on other components.

In this problem, xinput1_3.dll sometimes goes away by itself somewhere, but when you restart your computer, xinput1_3.dll is back in its place.

So, please restart your computer first before moving on to the next method.

2. Reinstall & Update DirectX

Reinstall & Update DirectX

DirectX is one important component in this problem. If your computer does not have DirectX installed, please install it first and if it is already installed on your computer please reinstall it.

If the version of DirectX installed on your computer is an older version, then I highly recommend that you update it to the latest version.

It’s just that, the latest version of DirectX might add weight to your PC’s performance if it’s not accompanied by adequate computer specifications.

As for how to install it, you can see below. Here’s how to install and update DirectX:

  1. Visit the official Microsoft DirectX site.
  2. Click the Download button listed on the page.
  3. Open the downloaded file earlier on your computer.
  4. Please follow the installation procedure requested until DirectX is installed successfully.
  5. If the installation is complete, please run the problematic game/application earlier and the problem should be resolved successfully.

To update it, you just need to download the latest version and later the old version will be replaced automatically.

For the complete method + image you can see the article here: How to Fix Msvcp140.dll Is Missing Error

3. Reinstall Problematic Games / Applications

It is recommended that you reinstall the problematic game/application. It is possible that the program got corrupt during the download or installation process.

If you have two computers, I recommend installing them on your other one. If the program can run on another computer, it means there is no problem with it.

However, if it turns out that both programs cannot be run, then there is a problem with the program.

In removing a program so that all components are removed properly, maybe the built-in “program uninstaller” is not enough.

Therefore, I recommend you to use the Advanced Uninstaller Pro application. These applications can delete a program to the roots even though the program is very difficult to remove though.

Then if it turns out that you have done this well but the problem doesn’t end, it could be the problem during the download process.

If you have free time, please try to re-download the program.

4. Download Xinput1_3.dll File From is a site that provides complete DLL files. There are thousands or even tens of thousands of dll files that you can download for free.

You can download files that are missing or missing on your computer for example this xinput1_3.dll. Please follow the method below to download the xinput1_3.dll file from

  • Visit the site.
  • Scroll down until you find the Download file button.

Download Xinput1_3.dll File From

  • After the file has been downloaded successfully, now copy and paste the file into the following path: C: WindowsSystem32 and  C: WindowsSysWOW64.
  • If you have, please restart your PC and run the problematic program again.

5. Copy File Xinput1_3.dll From Another Computer

Due to the many dll versions provided by, it will confuse us which file will work.

The easy way is you can copy this xinput1_3.dll file from another computer. Because the files contained on the computer are certainly compatible with the Windows operating system you are using.

6. Update the Computer Graphics Card Driver

According to some users, this Xinput1_3.dll error could be caused because of your graphics card driver.

Your drivers may still be outdated and you can fix this problem by updating your graphics card driver.

To do that, visit your graphics card manufacturer’s website and download the latest drivers for the model suitable for the computer you are using.

Once your drivers have updated successfully, this problem should be resolved properly.

It might be a little confusing to manually search for drivers, but if you want to update your graphics card automatically.

I recommend you to give TweakBit Driver Updater or Driver Pack a try for a full driver installation.

7. Make sure Xinput1_3.dll is in the SysWOW64 Folder

You may already have this xinput1_3.dll file in the System32 folder, but you also need to make sure it is in the SysWOW64 folder.

You can follow the easy steps below:

  • Please enter the C: WindowsSystem32 directory.
  • Copy the xinput1_3.dll file located in the System32 folder.
  • After that, paste the xinput1_3.dll file into the C: WindowsSysWOW64 folder.

Make sure Xinput1_3.dll is in the SysWOW64 folder

  • If so, please restart your PC.

8. Update Your Windows Version

You need to update the Windows version to the latest version or to a version that supports the game/application to run.

For example, suppose you want to play a PES 2020 game that at least requires a decent computer specification as well as a version of Windows 7 and above.

But what if you are using Windows XP? Of course, the game cannot be run.

So, please update your Windows version to a supported version.

9. Run SFC and DISM Scan

As we know, these SFC and DISM scans have proven to be effective in overcoming errors that often occur on computers.

This also applies to this problem. It’s just that, all you have to know about this scan is that it takes a long time.

SFC and DISM scans can take as little as 15 minutes. However, on some computers, this scan is much longer than that which can take around 1-2 hours.

I emphasize again when you run this scan you have to wait patiently and never force your computer/laptop off because it only makes things worse.


Maybe that’s enough about how to solve the xinput1_3.dll error that is missing/was not found from your computer on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 in games like Pro Evolution Soccer (PES), Grand Theft Auto (GTA), Call Of Duty ( COD), or other applications and programs.

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Somaya Khatun
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