Why Is Keyword Research Important For SEO? [2025]


Why Is keyword research important for SEO?

Many people ask this when optimizing keywords on the website.

Most think that keyword research is unimportant. In fact, when examined more deeply, in the SEO process, keyword research is very important and should not be missed.

Why Is Keyword Research Important For SEO

In fact, this is something that needs to be prioritized before going through the SEO optimization process.

Because the SEO optimization process will certainly run in vain without keyword research first.

Why is that?

As we know, someone in searching for something on a search engine must use certain keywords related to the product. Likewise for services or services provided by you.

When typing certain keywords into a search engine, we will find 10 websites on one page. The website that appears in the search is certainly a website that is relevant and related to the keywords typed.

For example, if you type in the keyword ” selling children’s clothes “, you will surely find 10 websites on the first page that sell children’s clothes. The same goes for your other services.

That means a website will appear on certain pages when related to the keywords typed.

You need to know, in the world, especially in Indonesia itself, those who have businesses like yours are not in the tens or hundreds.

But it reaches thousands with locations throughout Indonesia. Also more than hundreds of websites that have the same business as you.

So you have more competitors to beat to get your website up in search.

From here, as a website owner, you have to analyze your competitors to get what keywords they are aiming for so as to make their website rise.

In this case, we don’t need to look for the information one by one, but we can use tools to help us find the keywords that are most sought after by clients.

The Importance of Keyword Research You Need to Know

The Importance of Keyword Research You Need to Know

In one story, once there was a website with thousands of content. Even the average website is in a good position, namely on the first page. There is also content that is ranked first on google searches.

But unfortunately, for some reason, the content on the first page does not bring visitors.

Most of them visit in a short time and immediately click the back button. In this story, what really happened? Even though it was on the first page, visitors came but there was no purchase.

Well it turns out..

No matter how good the content that has been created on the website, it may even have occupied a good position, namely in the first rank of the website if the keywords that appear are not targeted keywords then it is not good.

Because visitors who come are not targeted visitors who really need our products. It might not even be what they’re looking for.

This is important for us to do keyword research.

Through the keyword research process, we can find out what keywords are suitable for our products.

With research, we can increase keywords not only based on what we want but based on what they are looking for.

The Purpose of Doing Keyword Research

Doing keyword research in addition to aiming to find out what keywords are the most sought after, of course, has another purpose. Here are the goals of doing keyword research:

  1. Knowing the keywords that can really bring visitors who will buy our products.
  2. Knowing how many estimated visitors are looking for certain keywords.
  3. See the amount of competition that exists in search engines for these keywords.
  4. Arrange which keywords are the most prioritized or prioritized.

Knowing this goal, as an SEO actor, of course, you want to make it happen.

Benefits of Doing Keyword Research

Benefits of Doing Keyword Research

Keyword research is not only important to find out what keywords are competitors’ keywords. More than that, this keyword research process also provides many benefits.

Here are the benefits that you can feel after keyword research:

  1. Can make it easier for you to find the right article ideas. Especially if you are a beginner, of course, you will feel confused in the middle of the road when there is no longer any content to create. Through this research, it will give you ideas to find the right article creation ideas to use. So there are no more confusing terms to find the right topic in article creation.
  2. Your work pattern is also more structured because you will prioritize which keywords to optimize first. Then combined with keywords based on competition. This will make it easier for you to create a structured workflow. For this second benefit, you can do it by determining the easiest keywords at the beginning, followed by heavy keywords.
  3. Makes it easy for us to make a website that comments on a particular thing completely and makes it a trendsetter. That way, the website will be easier to rank and get visitors.

Things You Need To Pay Attention To In Researching Keywords For SEO

When you research keywords using certain tools, either Google Keyword Planner, or other tools, usually other than keywords, other information will also appear.

This will be your benchmark in choosing the keywords that will be used. Because it would be impossible for us to find targeted keywords without paying attention to these things.

In this keyword research, you should pay attention to include:

#1. Amount Search Volume (Volume Pencarian)

The number of search volumes is the number of keywords that Google searches for in a certain time.

Usually, the tools used for keyword research will bring up the number of keyword searches in the last month.

For example, a certain keyword with a search volume of 100,000, it means that the keyword in the last month was searched on google as much as 100,000.

#2. Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty or keyword difficulty level shows how difficult it is for the keyword to rank first.

Generally, the tools show the numbers 0-100. The larger the number listed, the more difficult it is for the keyword to be on the first page of search results.

#3. Keyword Suggestion

Keyword suggestions are keyword suggestions related to the keywords you are looking for. For example, if you research the keyword “ SEO services”, the tools will recommend the keywords “cheap SEO services, best SEO services, organic SEO services” and others.

Generally, the most recommended keywords for you to choose are long-tail keywords. What are long-tail keywords? Later we will discuss.

Types of Keywords in SEO optimization

Types of Keywords in SEO optimization

During the keyword research process, we know that not only do keywords appear, but there is search volume, keyword difficulty, and keyword recommendations.

The length of the word in the keyword indicates the type of keyword.

What does it mean? Yes, there are 4 types of keywords or keywords. More specifically, here are the 3 types of keywords related to research:

#1. Short Tail Keyword

Short keywords or short keywords are keywords that only consist of one or two words. For example SEO, SEO services, SEO courses, SEO companies.

This type of keyword usually has a fairly high level of competition. So to compete with these keywords, you should understand the SEO techniques well.

#2. Long Tail Keyword

Unlike the short tail, long-tail keywords are keywords that consist of at least 3 words. Usually related to the main keywords that we are aiming for. For example :

  • The cheapest SEO service provider
  • The best SEO service company
  • SEO services in Jakarta
  • Dll

#3. Keyword Abadi

The third type of keyword is the perpetual keyword. This keyword is always used by people to find information without being consumed by the times.

This means that whenever many people search for these keywords. For example ”

  • How to fix an error website
  • How to cure acne

These keywords are included in eternal keywords because website owners often experience website errors. Also, many people have acne and want to cure it immediately.

#4. Seasonal Keywords

Seasonal keywords are keywords that are only searched at certain times or are popular for a moment. For example, “Real Madrid and Barcelona results”

Seeing the 4 types of keywords mentioned above, then as a website owner, you must know which one you are going to target first.

For websites that are new and you are a beginner, it never hurts to aim for long-tail keywords. Keywords with a long number of words will help introduce your website to the public.

Keep in mind, the keywords that you want to enter in the first ranking you want are not just their position.

But whether these keywords bring visitors or not. Not only busy visitors, but truly targeted visitors which will eventually lead to product purchases.

There is nothing wrong with you, the owner of a news website, bringing up the news that is currently trending.

This will help people to find what they are looking for and will improve your website in the future.

In addition to the 4 types of keywords above, you also need to know that there are ” niche keywords ” that must be considered.

What are Niche Keywords?

Niche keywords are keywords recommended by Google related to the keywords you are looking for.

For example, when you type the keyword ” women’s clothes ” on Google, you will definitely be recommended keywords related to the keywords you typed, right?

Niche keywords that usually appear for the keyword “women’s clothes” are long-sleeved women’s clothes, fashionable women’s clothes, Korean women’s clothes, cheap women’s clothes, contemporary women’s clothes, the latest models of women’s clothes.

From this niche keyword, you can use it for content titles. For example, “cheap and contemporary Korean women’s long-sleeved clothes” or “the latest fashionable and cheap Korean women’s clothes”.

With this set of keywords, of course, it will make it easier for you to find the idea of ​​​​the article title used.

Tools Used For Keyword Research

Tools Used For Keyword Research

To do your own keyword research, in order to produce the most appropriate keywords you can use some of the available tools.

On the internet itself there are more than dozens of tools that can be used to help you in keyword research. The following tools can be used for keyword research:

  1. Google keyword planner
  2. Small SEO tools
  3. Google trends
  4. Moz
  5. Semrush
  6. Keywordtool.io
  7. And many more.

We will explain all of this in our next article. You can use one of these tools for keyword research.

Bringing up a website on page one on a search engine according to the targeted keywords

Regarding SEO, the goal of SEO is to increase the targeted keywords to be on page one of google.

With the keyword research that has been done at the beginning before SEO optimization, it will make it easier for us to find the right keywords to optimize.

With this research, you don’t need to optimize all the keywords related to your product.

However, you only need to optimize the website with certain targeted keywords with the highest volume which will eventually invite a lot of visitors.

From the number of visitors, it is certainly expected to end up purchasing the product.

So important is keyword research right? Especially for you beginners, don’t forget to do keyword research before the SEO optimization process!

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Somaya Khatun
The Founder & Admin of TechMaina.Com, Who Likes To Write On Any Topic Related To Computer Query, Such As PC Hardware Problem, PC BIOS Problem and I have also best Knowledge in Android, SEO, and Much More.


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