How to Install AMD Drivers & Update AMD Drivers [2025]


How to Install AMD Drivers – For AMD driver users, I as the admin here highly recommend that your VGA driver is always updated.

Why is that?

Because with the most updated version of the driver, you can get lots of new features, as well as increase performance for several games.

How to Update _ Install AMD Drivers (Latest Tutorial)

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to install or update their AMD drivers to the latest version.

I myself get this question from one of the comments on the other article:-

  • How to Install AMD Drivers?
  • How to Update AMD Drivers?

Yep .. And to answer that question, as well as to help people who still don’t understand, I want to discuss the tutorial in full.

Well, and because every month the driver version is different, here I want to make the latest tutorial, the 2025 version.

Okay, just get to the way …

1. Checking the AMD VGA Type

Before continuing, we must first know the type of AMD VGA, which is used.

Because later, when choosing the driver we have to make sure the type that is installed is the same (so that it doesn’t get an error).

If you already know the type, just slide it down. But if you don’t know, how to check is as follows:

1. Please install the GPU-Z application first .. Or take the portable version too.

2. Open the application, then you can see the VGA type of your laptop / PC.

Checking the AMD VGA Type

Besides using GPU-Z, you can also use other applications. Free to choose, according to what you like

Is your laptop brightness not working? want to fix them? Well, we have already discussed this topic. So we highly recommend reading the article Brightness Not Working in Windows 10.

2. Looking for a Suitable AMD VGA Driver

After the VGA type is noted, we first look for the driver. For the tutorial here, I use it directly through the official website.

The goal is to avoid errors that may occur during the install process.

The method is like this:

1. Please visit the AMD driver page first.

2. Adjust the VGA type as noted earlier, then click Submit.

Looking for a suitable AMD VGA driver

3. Select the type of Windows that is used (32 bit / 64 bit) ..

4. Then click Download.

Looking for a suitable AMD VGA driver

Just wait for the download process to complete.

Read Also:

3. How to Install AMD Drivers

After the driver is saved, you can install it immediately.

Actually, the process is the same as when installing regular software. But yes… For those who are still laymen, they must be a little afraid if there is an error, right?

Well, this is how …

1. Open the driver that was downloaded earlier.

2. Click Install then wait for the process.

How to Install AMD Drivers

3. If so, a new window will appear. Click Accept and Express Install

How to Install AMD Drivers

4. Wait for the install process to complete.

How to Install AMD Drivers 2

5. If it is successful, please restart it.

It’s easy?

Additionally, If There is an Error …

For those who experience certain errors during the install process, it is possible that there is a stuck between the old driver and the new driver.

This often happens, especially on PCs with newly upgraded VGA.

The solution, first to uninstall the old driver, using the Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)

That’s just the first tip. The second tip, you can try downloading the driver file again. But here, make sure your internet connection is stable and doesn’t disconnect. Because this can corrupt the file.

The last tip, third, before doing the install process, try restarting it first. After that, make sure there are no heavy applications running, such as browsers, games, and the like.

Because this can interfere with the installation process, and make the screen black screen (If this happens to you, just restart it).

FAQ’s on Install AMD Drivers & Update AMD Drivers

Q 1. That’s to install, how to update?

Ans:- This is actually already installed and updated at the same time. Because when looking for drivers on the website, AMD will immediately recommend to the latest drivers.

Q 2. What if you want to downgrade the driver version?

Ans:- When looking for drivers, try to check below. There is an old version of the driver there.

Q 3. Can’t open the driver file?

Ans:- Maybe the driver file is corrupted. Try downloading again.

Q 4. How come there is a message “Gaming Evolved failed to install”?

Ans:- During the install process, you can select custom and then uncheck ‘Gaming Evolved’. This is in the AMD Crimson driver and below.

Q 5. Can the old VGA laptop be updated?

Ans:- For old laptops, some are yes, some are not. Please check first via the official AMD website. If not, try checking the official website for your laptop brand.

Q 6. The message Video_TDR_Failure (Bluescreen) appears?

Ans:- The solution, uninstall the old driver with DDU, as I discussed earlier.

Q 7. A message appears, “Driver Not Installed”

Ans:- Try reinstalling the driver again, but restart before starting the process. Also, make sure that the driver that is installed is in accordance with the Windows version and VGA type.

Q 8. A message appears, “was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b”

Ans:- It is possible that the driver was corrupted during the installation process. Try redownload and reinstall again.


Installing AMD drivers is not difficult. In the above method, you can easily change the AMD VGA driver to the latest version (Update).

I made this tutorial, intended for AMD users who don’t know how to install the driver.

Especially for gamers, who in fact have to update their drivers every few times, to get the best performance.

If an error occurs, or someone who still doesn’t understand, you can ask via the comments column provided below.

May be useful.

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Somaya Khatun
The Founder & Admin of TechMaina.Com, Who Likes To Write On Any Topic Related To Computer Query, Such As PC Hardware Problem, PC BIOS Problem and I have also best Knowledge in Android, SEO, and Much More.


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